Nov. 29 Figure Four Daily: Bryan Alvarez talks to Brent Albright about WWE, OVW, ROH and NWA career, funny stories, becoming World Champ, being mentored by Benoit and what happened, upcoming IZW iPPV, so much more

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez returns today with special guest Shooter Brent Albright to talk his entire career, including amateur wrestling growing up, breaking into wrestling, a bunch of different early career gimmicks, Ohio Valley and his feud with CM Punk, being

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Thanksgiving Figure Four Twice Daily: Lance Drumsticks Storm talks match with Harry Smith, Survivor Series, Rock & Ryder, Raw, UFC injury theory, women in WWE, plus a great Mania booking plan that sadly won’t happen

Figure Four Thanksgiving Daily returns today with special guest LANCE DRUMSTICK STORM to talk a number of subjects including fighting Harry Smith for the PWA Title this past weekend, Survivor Series, Rock and Zack Ryder, Raw from Monday night, his theory on the

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Nov 22 Figure Four Daily: Bryan Alvarez talks to Jeremy Borash about TNA India TV project, All Wheels Wrestling, the strength of the UK market, Japan, the TNA house show experience, Twitter and social media, great WCW story, tons more!

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez returns today with a man who has not been on the show in many years, TNA’s JEREMY BORASH~!, to talk a number of different subjects including TNA’s upcoming TV project in India, some notes on All Wheels

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Nov. 16 Figure Four Daily: Bryan Alvarez and Josh Nason talk to DANIEL CORMIER about Strikeforce Grand Prix finals, pro-wrestling fandom, training at AKA, getting hit in the face for the first time, more

Figure Four Daily with Bryan Alvarez and Josh Nason returns today with special guest DANIEL CORMIER~!, one half of the finals in the Strikeforce World Grand Prix tournament, set to conclude sometime in early-2012. Tons were discussed including his undefeated career, making it

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