The Audio Nightmare MEGASHOW~! for this week is on the air… topics include WWElness, Juvi & The Ace~!, the WFA PPV, Chono Collection AT, more about NOAH 7/16, Fire Festival results and analysis, and Mike’s Roy Jones rant… but most importantly, the debut
Raw, Guerreros del Ring, a Ric Flair rant, and tons more!
WFA, Great American Bash, Pinnacle and more!
Smackdown, TNA, ECW, new drops and songs, and more!
The second Audio Nightmare of the week is on the air, in all of it’s PRO-WRES~! glory. Adam and Mike discuss microwaves, the 7/16 NOAH main event in detail, All Japan craziness, the Z-1 Max Fire Festival… and Abdullah Kobayashi wrestles an octopus?!?
The Audio Nightmare is back with the early-week edition, a “mixed bag” of a show to satisfy all~! Topics discussed include the new WWE magazine, the Brock Lesnar situation, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ralphus, the 7/16 NOAH show, and the Shane Mosley-Fernando Vargas fight~! Right
Raw, Guerreros del Ring, new songs and shout-outs, and more!
Smackdown and ECW, plus assorted nonsense
Another mega-show~! edition of the nightmare, as Adam and Mike talk MMA, pro-wrestling, and random bullshit. Speaking of which, UFC 61 is (unfortunately) discussed, as well as the UFC-PRIDE war, and an in-depth look at last week’s Cage Rage 17. On the pro-wrestling
Raw, Guerreros del Ring, shout-outs, etc.!
Adam and Mike are back with a gigantic double-show of epic proportions~! This week’s audio nightmare starts with a VERY BRIEF discussion of MMA…a 5-second pause…and then the pro-wrestling shenanigans begin~! Topics include the Audio Nightmare verdict on ECW, the resurgence of All-Japan,
A wretched Raw, Tito Ortiz All Access, the latest on RVD and Sabu, and tons more!
PRIDE Openweight Grand Prix Tournament review
The “Pro-Wres” edition of the Nightmare is on the air, and it as rambling and bizarre as ever. Mike reviews the most bizarre entertaining Japanese wrestling DVD EVER~!, Ali v. Inoki 2, Nagata slaps his fans, the AJPW Jr. Singles League, and…TAKA Michinoku
Ultimate Fight Night and ECW with Tony~!
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