April 7 2006 Bryan and Vinny Show
Ultimate Fighter and Ultimate Fight Night with Bryan, Vinny and Tony!
Ultimate Fighter and Ultimate Fight Night with Bryan, Vinny and Tony!
Adam & Mike are back on the Audio Nightmare with discussion of the NHL, really bad wrestling referees, Dragon Gate in ROH, Necro Butcher in IWA-MS, and all the news from Japan that you could poosibly handle~! Right Click Save as…
Adam and Mike are back to recap one of the craziest weekends in quite awhile…Wrestlemania weekend, the PRIDE Bushido 10 show, and Ultimate Fight Night Live are the topics of the day…check it out on the F4W~! Online Audio Nightmare! Right Click Save
Raw, TNA, Hogan Knows Best, shout-outs, and more!
Smackdown thoughts, final WrestleMania preview, Hall of Fame woes, WWE.com hate, more!
Adam and Mike discuss KENTA and Marufuji in ROH, the #1 Contender Tournament in NOAH, the crazy ROH / IWA-MS / Wrestlemania Weekend in Chicago, and much more. Also, Mike finds a way to offend both Necro Butcher and Low Ki…check out the
Raw. OVW. TNA. Hogan Knows Best. SHEIK~! An hour and 30 minutes. What more could you ask for?
Adam & Mike celebrate “Sheik Day~!” on the newest edition of the F4W~! Audio Nightmare, as well as the usual early week MMA rantings…including a huge defection from the world of boxing to the UFC! Of course, there is much inane rambling as
The latest Adam & Mike F4W~! Online Audio Nightmare is up…Adam and Mike break down the current state of New Japan and the 3/19 Sumo Hall show, and they also take a look at the participants for the 2006 AJPW Champions Carnival. Oh
Raw, TNA, HOGAN KNOWS BEST~! and more!
The F4W~! Online Audio Nightmare is back on the air…Adam and Mike talk SNME, WEC 19, and get into a heated “discussion” about the merits of boxing and MMA…it’s a free show, check it out! Right Click Save as…
The Adam & Mike F4W~! Audio Nightmare for March 15 is on the air…Pro Wrestling NOAH is the order of the day. Adam and Mike discuss the relative merits of KENTA and Marufuji, as well as *gasp*…a VERY good Misawa match! In addition,
Raw, TNA, GRANNY~!, shout-outs, new songs, more!
The Adam and Mike F4W~! Audio Nightmare is on the air…and this time you can actually hear them! MMA is the focus of the day as Adam and Mike discuss the Shamrock-Gracie fight, UFC, PRIDE, and…Kendo Kashin?!? Right Click Save as…
Bryan and Vinny discuss the TNA PPV, plus Raw and Saturday Night’s Main Event previews, and thoughts on Jim Ross’ return.
Smackdown, OVW, Shamrock vs. Gracie, Vince’s brush with crime, more!
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