Quinton Jackson PPV Interview Bryan and Vinny Show
A special treat: QUINTON JACKSON FINDS GOD~!, from the PPH radio show at puroresupower.com.
A special treat: QUINTON JACKSON FINDS GOD~!, from the PPH radio show at puroresupower.com.
A look at that whacky, whacky Raw last night, thoughts on Vince McMahon and Ric Flair, SHOUT-OUTS, and a very special treat from one damn awesome man called BROWSER BRODY.
Reviews of OVW, Smackdown, and THE WRESTLER~! starring Verne Gagne and Ed Asner, then Bryan and Vinny draw SECRET SANTA PAIRINGS~! Nearly an hour of pro-wrestling and holiday cheer!
Raw news and notes, then a number of tales from Bryan & Vinny.
Smackdown, OVW and then KOBASHI VS. JOE~!
UFC 55 thoughts with myself, Vinny, Tony AND Shawn, then a recap of Vince’s drunken escapade last week.
Thoughts on the Eddy tribute Smackdown, OVW, the Jake Roberts DVD and Joe Riggs.
Thoughts on Eddy Guerrero and the TNA PPV.
OVW and Smackdown love (for once), then everything you ever wanted to know about the lovely little hamlet called Bothell, WA.
Raw, then talk of lizards, turtles, girls and more
Thoughts on probably the best UFC show of all time
Smackdown, OVW, and news on Christian and Benoit
Bryan and Vinny recap WWE Taboo Tuesday.
News on Christian and Austin, then Raw and TUF recaps!
Smackdown, OVW, and how Bryan escaped death yet again
Much to cover! PRIDE PPV with Barnett vs. Crocop thoughts, RAW review with thoughts on whatever the hell that was, and Ultimate Fighter with LUKE~! having another great fight.
Bryan and Vinny recap TNA Bound For Glory.
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