Raw, shout-outs, new songs, tons more~!
UFC 67 and ROH Anarchy in the UK reviews~!
Finally, Adam and Mike are back again this week, with a slightly more abbreviated – but FREE~! – version of the original alternate programming here at F4WOnline. Talk centers around both All Japan and New Japan running Tokyo’s Sumo Hall shows later on
Smackdown, TNA, ECW and WSX!!!! ROH and UFC will be reviewed on the next episode…
Raw, Guerreros del Ring, Hogan Knows Best, more!!!
The original F4WOnline.com alternate programming is back again this week, and it’s more random and obscure than ever. Topics include, but aren’t limited to: Morishima to ROH, ROH to Japan, Misawa to hospital, Angle in New Japan, Muta as the Knight of Prosperity,
RAW IS HBK, Guerreros del Ring, Hogan Knows Best, and more!
We’re finishing off the week with a big one, a nearly hour and a half Bryan & Vinny Show devoted to ECW, Smackdown, TNA and Ring of Honor’s FIGHT OF THE CENTURY~! We’ll discuss the worst ECW show from a wrestling standpoint maybe
It was more Nightmare than Big Audio this week but in the off-chance that this show does make it to the promised land, and doesn’t sound like balls meeting taint, topics discussed are: Hating technology, Hockey Day in Canada and our newfound Kootney
Raw, Guerreros del Ring, Hogan Knows Best, THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, and more!
We’re back to recap the fantastically absurd TNA Final Resolution PPV, which resolved virtually nothing. Thoughts on all the matches including Joe vs. Angle III, the VKM/Christy Hemme segment which was one of the worst things I’ve seen in wrestling in quite some
TNA, ECW, Smackdown, ROH TIME TO MAN UP~!, and thoughts on the latest big UFC news notes!
200 minutes of audio were recorded this week. You’ll hear about 80 of them. Maybe. But if the Nightmare portion of the Big Audio rears its ugly head then you missed Adam and Mike talking about things like: Hockey and the All-Star game,
Raw, Hogan Knows Best, and Guerreros del Ring! FUN FUN FUN~!
WWE New Year’s Revolution PPV recap, Hunter gets hurt, Umaga vs. Cena, more!
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