It’s the first radio show of the New year, and due to all the weekend shows we’ve got a packed episode! We’ll cover the K-1 Dynamite show from Japan with SPREWELL~! off our board, PRIDE from Sunday night and the IFL World Team
It’s Bryan & Vinny SuperShow Time~! We’ll discuss UFC 66 Ortiz vs. Liddell, TNA from Thursday night, ROH War of the Wire II, and Guerreros del Ring~!
The intentions were to do a 20-minute show, that had nothing to do with wrestling or MMA, to prevent any sort of rioting from THE BOARD~! Instead, it’s an hour show that sort of has to do with wrestling and MMA, and could
Raw and Guerreros del Ring with special in-studio guest Blake Norton~!
It’s the annual Bryan & Vinny Christmas Show~! A record-breaking two and a half hour broadcast featuring Christmas cheer, drinking, random phone calls, and whatever else comes to mind, topped off with almost no wrestling content whatsoever. Everyone needs a break now and
We’re back with a huge Bryan & Vinny Show recapping ten million programs, including UFC Ultimate Fight Night with Tony, ECW on Sci-Fi, TNA Impact, Smackdown, and the ROH Death Before Dishonor (Cage of DEATH~!) show in its entirety! Topics include when Diego
Adam and Mike have returned for the pre-holiday Holiday Edition of the Big Audio Nightmare. How does the holiday edition differ from other shows? WE HIT THE NOG~! Well, not really, but we do spend 80 minutes discussing: The 1/4 Tokyo Dome show
We’re back today to run down a hodgepodge of different shows, including the three-hour Raw, the first two matches of the WWE PPV Sunday night, ECW, and Guerreros del Ring! I thought Raw was a thumbs up show and Vince thought it was
WWE Armageddon PPV recap with special guest APOSTLE PAUL~!
We’re back tonight to discuss Smackdown and TNA Impact! For those wondering, we plan on covering ECW on Sci-Fi (which airs tonight) and Ultimate Fight Night this coming Sunday on the show following the WWE Smackdown PPV. We’ve also got a special guest
Slightly earlier than usual, but never premature, the 100-minute Big Audio Nightmare returns this week with the type of comprehendable verbiage you’ve come to expect. Topics include: Adam’s hatred of Chris Myers. Spoiling Dragon Gate. Way too much bitching and analysis of Oh-NOAH’s
We’re back tonight with a packed B&V Show, though not necessarily packed with pro-wrestling content. It happens. Guerreros del Ring required 1 minute of discussion and Raw was a good show with largely good wrestling and largely logical booking, meaning there wasn’t a
We’ve got a hell of a show today as we’ll not only recap the TNA PPV from last night with the excellent Joe vs. Angle II battle, but also the 60 minutes special on UFC and Three Minutes with Brent Kremen (TM). Yes,
We’re back with an absolutely packed Bryan & Vinny Show today! Besides our reviews of Smackdown, TNA, ECW and ROH, we’ll also discuss Daniel Puder’s win at Strike Force last night and Kurt Angle’s claim that he’ll be doing a shootfight in 2007,
The world’s most comprehendable radio show is back, and on this week’s Big Audio Nightmare topics discussed include: The addition of matches to New Japan’s 1/4 show and what else may come, Why is hard liquor allowed at Fed Ex Field?, Pride’s announced
Guerreros del Ring, Raw, the fall of ECW, and more~!
We’re back along with our buddy MARK~! to review among the more wretched PPVs of all time, Dismember to Remember, the public execution of the ECW brand that we had to pay $39.95 to watch. A look at all the horrible matches (both
WE HAVE RETURNED~! In this HOUR AND 23 MINUTE EPISODE we DISCUSS some HORRIBLE TV SHOWS, including TNA Impact, which may have been THE WORST TV SHOW I EVER SAW! We also, in ALL CAPS, run down SUNDAY’S ECW PPV, a PPV which
The World is ending and we are here, live in Lynnwood, WA, to document it. A great snowfall buried I believe this entire state, so much so that it was the top story on CNN last night. Roads shut down, trees fell, power
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