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  • The Adam and Mike Show (475)

March 30 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate returns this week for 60 minutes using the tin-can connection. That aside, topics this week include, but aren’t limited to: the real lessons learned from UFC 111, Fuka’s retirement overshadows Shawn Michaels, what the Motor City Machine Guns + Super

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March 20 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has returned to give the people want they want: FREE AUDIO~! Yep, the Grande Sonic Terror goes gratis to cover topics including, but not limited to: the headshot debate in the NHL and the leauge’s continuation of inconsistency as well

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March 10 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has returned this week, sadly with 50% of the show broadcast via A Night At The Roxbury-styled fat cellular phone, but it shall still earn 100% of your (PoS) hearts with topics that include, but aren’t limited to: the injury

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March 1 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate makes it’s way back to the airwaves this week to bring you what you pay a wrestling website for: Olympic hockey talk. Don’t worry, though. There’s also love for Michael Buble’s closing ceremony performance. Other topics include, but aren’t limited

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February 21 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has finally returned to you give YOU, the fine subscriber of this website, more of what you have been demanding: Olympic hockey coverage. Some other things, as well, with topics including, but not limited to: one hosts shameless self-promotion, Halak’d,

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Feb 2 2010 Adam and Mike Show

It’s the Adam & Mike BIG Audio Nightmare, back and as eccentric as ever. Topics include Jado’s neck, Yano’s Push, Claudio’s strength, All-Japan’s future, Madden’s bicep, and Burke’s Balls~! And oh yeah, Mike recounts his personal encounters with Axl Rotten, all here at

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January 19 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate makes good on its promise of quick turn-around time and is back to give YOU, the people, more goodness. 60 minutes of it, in fact, with topics including, but not limited to: the ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT PERSON BATTLE ROYAL,

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January 15 2009 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate is back. Sort of. If there was ever a show that was the equivalent of 75-minutes of maintenance booking, this is it. We’ll be back before Wednesday with a more coherent and action packed show covering everything from 108-person battle

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January 3 2010 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate goes back to its roots this week: 90 minutes of audio entertainment that starts off with HOCKEY. Dan is not impressed that it’s back. Topics this week include, but aren’t limited to: a half-hour of talk on the Bridgestone Winter

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December 22 2009 Adam and Mike Show

One of the most consistent things about the Substantial Sonic Satisfier has been our adherence to one rule: No guests. They’re a pain to get a hold of, and can often be a real pain in the ass. At least that’s what we

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December 16 2009 Adam and Mike Show

The original alternate has returned this week, and once again there’s no hockey. Nope, we can’t figure out how that happened, either. But, we do spend 75 minutes talking about topics that include, but aren’t limited to: a meeting of the minimally populated

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December 9 2009 Adam and Mike Show

Last week’s preview for the show mentioned something about Go-Sugiura sucktitude. This week, it’s about a SUGGERNAUT of epic proportions as the topics include, but aren’t limited to: a meeting of the Takashi Sugiura Appreciation Society and his NOAH GHC championship win on

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